Latest News: We have expanded our blog! Visit us at

coffee.jpgWelcome to We have some different sections to help you feel “connected” to other sub wives. Visit our Blog where we talk about everything….and nothing. You’ll find some deployment survival techniques, videos, jokes and generally things that used to clog up our friends emails boxes that we now share here.

Ask Your QuestionIf you have a Navy question, we’d like to help. From questions about “when to negotiate for orders”, to “why you are not getting email from the boat when everyone else seems to be”, here you can seek advice from some “been there, done that” wives. Whether your husband is part of the Ward Room, Chief’s Mess or Crews Mess, we have an experienced wife who can answer your question. Click here to ask your question.<

What we are working on:

Sub Wife CafeWe are designing a message board for us to hang out in, discuss pressing issues, ask questions and connect with other wives in our subwife/Navy walk.

Visit the message boards at our new place –

This is what people are saying about Navy Wife Radio and

“I really appreciate the straight talk. It helps to hear someone else describe what they’re going through, and it’s even more helpful that it’s informal and spontaneous.
I’d like to be added to your ‘friends’ list so I can follow along with your journey.
You ladies absolutely ROCK!!! “
mike the Navy Dad (ss)


“What you ladies are doing is great! I of course am a sub wife and sometimes there can be some downs that you just need some ups, and that’s exactly what you are doing. Keep up the great work and I can’t wait to see all the new things you are trying to get done! Thanks for what you do! “

Katee Nelson
Kittery, ME


“I just left you a comment on your show notes about last nights show. You saved my coffee day…I was suppose to get out and have some adult conversation today and then my daughter started puking so I lost my coffee So I logged onto your show from last night and had coffee with you. Thanks. And now I am listening live. Woo Hoo!! “ N.L. Super Mom
